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About Source Mountain Industrial Supply Company

At Source Mountain Supply, we believe in the power of quality and customization. Based in West Bend, Wisconsin, we serve customers nationwide with a commitment to excellence.

About Paul Backhaus, Owner and CEO

Allow me to introduce myself—I’m Paul Backhaus, the owner, CEO, and the driving force behind Source Mountain Supply, LLC. Entrepreneurship has been a guiding force in my life since my youth, inspired by my father’s business endeavors. His commitment to customer care and dedication to service have profoundly shaped my approach to business.

From the tender age of 13, I’ve been cultivating my entrepreneurial spirit. In 2012, my wife and I embarked on a remarkable journey when we took ownership of Source Mountain Supply. Our early days were marked by humble beginnings, operating out of our garage while our vehicles braved the elements outside. Fast forward to the present, and our progress has led us to expand our warehouse to an impressive 3500 square feet, which is filling up rapidly!

learn more about our owner and ceo, paul

Beyond the confines of business, I am blessed with a devoted wife of 15 years and a wonderful daughter. Wisconsin has been our cherished home throughout our lives, and we take immense pride in our community and heritage here. I serve as a Lieutenant at our volunteer fire department, indulge my passion for deer hunting, and revel in the joys of being a proud sports dad.

At Source Mountain Supply, we champion the values of service and personability. Our commitment to our customers knows no bounds, and we constantly strive to deliver solutions that exceed expectations.

I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to connect with you and explore how Source Mountain Supply can cater to your needs.

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How do you ship items?

The shipping process chosen depends on order size and shipping destination.

All products are packaged and sold in case-packed quantities for us to pass the best value and pricing on to our customers.
All online orders are processed through PayPal. With PayPal, you’re able to use all major debit and credit cards.

Yes! We’re happy to provide you with a quote on custom products. Use our online form or email us at, and a representative will contact you!

Customers who have an established account with us that is in good standing can request a credit application to apply for payment terms of net 30.
We work hard to ensure that your products will arrive in excellent condition, but sometimes the damage is out of our control. If you need to report damage, please call our office immediately to discuss the extent of the damage and to make further arrangements.

Returns are accepted on all undamaged items 90 days from the date of their original shipment from our warehouse, with prior approval from Source Mountain Supply, LLC. Please note that there is a 25% restocking fee on all returns. The customer is also responsible for all return shipping charges.